Today’s Date: Wed. Feb. 9th 2022

Probably Jonathan
4 min readFeb 9, 2022
It is a cat’s meow. The easy life of a cat.
A Cat’s meow kinda life!

I don’t know if you can call it my mid-life crisis just yet (I’m turning 50 this year) but certainly with this writing (or attempt at writing anyway), wanting to be an artist, a photographer, a woodworker making birdhouses and trinkets with my bare hands; I kinda feel a strong push to do more! I know this is a huge work in progress and I guess I have always had LOTS of interests and mostly would buy the stuff and NEVER ever do them! WELL … today I am here to say I am starting to finally DO THEM!

I have LOTS and LOTS of work ahead of me. I have tons of junk to sell, throw away, get rid off from my life and home aka (declutter) and live more minimally. I have to train myself to live in the present and not drown in past memories and failures as well as NEVER worry about the future! These are all lessons nestled within the Bible believe it or not.

What else you ask? Well I want to start a morning AND evening routine. I know generally speaking humans a ‘routine’ but lazy humans to overly busy humans forget and go against that grain or just don’t don’t have the T-I-M-E! Well we all have the same amount of time. Whether you run yourself only or an entire company or an entire country! So I have to retrain my brain to accept the rigidness of 24 hours in a day. Now (without stress (aka worry) ) I would like to break this time down and look at doing a certain number of things each day within the morning set of time and evening set of time and should have plenty of time in between to get my other responsibilities completed. Weekends (until i retire) can have a different routine but I can hardly wait because my dad says in retirement every day is like a Saturday!

I have to be careful because I (personally) have never been good at doing anything for any length of time i do not want to do. I call it my ‘only kid’ syndrome! lol!! There are in fact things I want to do that I enjoy like drinking a cup of coffee in the morning and drinking a cup of tea in the evening and I am pretty good at those things so I am good at doing them. There are of course things sort of on the opposite ends that I want to do very much but not real good at doing them and I will have to sort of force it upon myself somewhat like riding my exercise bike, squats and planks I want to incorporate in my (almost) daily life. I have this crazy notion I want to be a real bad-ass in my golden years! Think Chuck Norris or Sylvester Stallone!!! Well maybe not that far but i want to have some definition in my arms and abs and pecs when I am in my 90’s. I believe it is possible and not all that hard if you develop a daily routine and stop living on autopilot. You have to eat proper of course and don’t do stupid stuff. Define that however you like. I have this crazy notion you don’t really need doctors at all if you do this also! I believe the food industry, insurance industry, lawyers and such all got together and work together to make our laws, foods, money and everything strictly to benefit them and not us what-so-ever! Call me crazy but I think I have grown wise to their SCAM! it is truly sick what THEY have done with our food industry for one. You can barely eat from the grocery store anymore and truly stay healthy. It is getting to the point you have to go back to raising, harvesting and making your own again like many years before. We are starting to make this commitment in many ways in our home. If you continue on the path laid out before you, plan on taking 1, 2, 20 pills before your life is finally over. I say NO!!!!!

Maybe I am steering a tad off course now but life is truly what you make of it. If you want a cat’s meow life you can have it with a little discipline. If you want a drug induced, stressed out DRAMA-tized life, it is freely available to you. I choose to take my life in my own hands, give everything to GOD and enjoy every day learning and enjoying as I go along.

Well — so long for today! Take care & may GOD bless you!



Probably Jonathan

Just a dad, husband, and follower of Christ not all in that order making my way through life learning as I go!