Todays Date: Tuesday January 18th 2022!

Probably Jonathan
3 min readJan 18, 2022

WOW … I guess I haven’t written lately. I hope all my “fans” out there can forgive me lol. For right now I am mostly doing this for me I guess to practice daily writing. I figure it will get me ‘rolling’ perhaps? Who knows!

I found this along the road somewhere in Nebraska and wanted to recreate it somewhat in my yard one day.

I have always wanted to write a daily blog about something I enjoy BUT to be honest I don’t think I am a very good writer for one and I believe my likes and interests are rapidly changing right now especially as I get older and life’s roles are adjusting about. For instance a big conflict is technology. I am saying now i don’t like technology and I believe it is bringing down our society in a major radical way! First of all I have always LOVED technology and I graduated college 20 plus years ago with a programming degree. I never could sit in a chair 15 or more hours while at a keyboard so programming wasn’t really in the picture for me. I liked web programming somewhat until it changed rapidly to more like regular programming with long complicated coding and such as well. All programs now pretty well ARE internet apps and websites.

I really loved having the latest and greatest but I see how kids are today and they are getting iPads in school no instead of books and it is just too much. It has to stop! Whatever you call evil in this world is programming our kids minds with the internet, devices, modern media, tv programming etc…

The wife and I haven’t watched streaming or programmed television in our home for over 20 years and I truly think we “SEE” things differently in the world than people who watch it every day. I believe there is something systematically wrong here. Which leads me to my next point!

There is NO CREATIVITY anymore … or it is getting more rare to find if I can put it that way. Everything is turning into one. Everything is looking the same. To think on the subject too much is just YUK! We are creative beings. We thrive in variety. Don’t believe me? Take a HARD look at nature. Take a look at US! The one who created everything certainly loved variety and creativity. They say every snow flake is uniquely different. That one sentence right there should blow your mind wide open! I find myself wanting to create more and more these days. I feel like I lack the skills but it doesn’t stop the avalanche of desire to do. So I will paint UNTIL I get good! I will play the banjo UNTIL I get good! I will weld and plasma cut UNTIL I get good! I will draw UNTIL I get good! I will take pictures AS LONG AS IT TAKES for me to feel like I have truly become a great photographer!

Technology… I will use what I need to accomplish being creative and NO MORE! I do NOT need a refrigerator that talks to me and analyzes when I need a gallon of milk. I do NOT need to talk to my remote. I damn sure do not need my car to drive for me! People needs to wake up! PARENTS especially needs to wake up. ALL your children need us YOU LOVING THEM and nothing more!

Well … I think I have wrote enough for today and I am feeling rebellious enough for one day. I think i am going ot go pick up a book and read for a bit. Exercise for awhile and maybe get out my easel and see what moves me!

Signing out .. Have a wonderful day & GOD BLESS!



Probably Jonathan

Just a dad, husband, and follower of Christ not all in that order making my way through life learning as I go!