Today’s Date: Thursday, May 19, 2022

Probably Jonathan
4 min readMay 19, 2022
miserable guy

Hello All:

Today I was thinking about my future. I wouldn’t say I like doing that often because I may or may not have much time to think about it. I am not saying I worry about dying or anything of the sort. I don’t want to waste energy planning on stuff that may or may not happen. I like taking the broad road and planning for essential things in my life; for instance, do I want to look and feel like this guy (above) every day of the rest of my life? OR this guy (below)? And fine tuning my life each day, each moment as I get there.

old guy hiking

The choice really can be mine! If the price is right! LOL, That just popped into my mind!

The price right now is taking a few walks a few times a week. It is stopping or severely limiting soda and sugary beverages. It is severely limiting or halting alcohol as well. It would be more perfect to entirely suspend sugary drinks and limit alcohol to one or two drinks a week or even fewer. A little alcohol may be suitable for keeping you warm inside and your blood flowing smoothly. I personally like whiskey myself.

There are several factors to consider, but to believe you are the product of some genetic yard sale is ridiculous. I don’t share the opinion of most modern-day so-called doctors. I don’t think it is necessarily their fault, but they work for the system, and the system only cares about one thing: the money, of course.

I am afraid your health is in your control, and many don’t want to hear that. I love my Dr. Pepper a day plan (and I have drunk much more than that in the past for a LONG time). There is something in there that is more addictive, I believe, than many substances. It should be outlawed. If sodas were against the law, I suspect we would have way fewer deaths worldwide. I have tried quitting for some time and can not!!! Pathetic is what it is! I get better every day, and I will kick it, but it’s insane how addictive it is. It has also been a habit since I was 16, and I am now knocking on 50 years old. Thank you, GOD. I am still relatively healthy, but I won’t be on the other side of 50 if I keep carrying this extra weight and drinking sugar every day like it’s going out of business!

The price is giving up what is bad for you for some sweet time with your spouse, kids, and grandkids. The price is sacrifice. But it’s not ideal to wait until you get there to make the change. I don’t want to wait until I have had a heart attack to change my diet. I don’t want to wait until I get told I have some cancer to change my ways and have to run rat poison (most chemo are based on some kind of) through my veins. I believe it can all be controlled by making better decisions and sacrificing a little early on.

I can’t believe what all the cereals are made up of, yet we feed this to our children day in and day out. Why??? For convenience? Technology and all the various “signals” it produces. If it goes through solid objects, then it goes through US! Do we know that this doesn’t cause some cancer process in our bodies? Why? All for the convenience of technology. Is it worth it? We know things, but we do not act on them. We as individuals can work upon and change, and some things we cannot make a change but need to gather as a whole to do something.

It all comes down to the price. I don’t mean money; instead, I mean sacrificing time and effort, but the reward is a life with richer memories and much more satisfaction. Research, read, and always learn something new. It’s not the race but the journey that matters most. Keep your emotions, body, and soul fit, and you will be fine!

As always, take care, and GOD bless!



Probably Jonathan

Just a dad, husband, and follower of Christ not all in that order making my way through life learning as I go!